Dr. Jeannine Jordan, Concert Organist

We need to recognize youth as the future of the church and worship because, well, they are.

Here are some observations I have made of  some of the components of successful youth participation in the music program of the church.

· Understand youth as participant not objects of ministry

· Give youth meaningful and visible roles as worship participants

· We underestimate the contribution kids can make to our service. Don’t dumb down their responsibility and capability

· Help them do it well so they can respect themselves and others while participating

· Kids actually value routine, stability, and responsibility even when they don’t act like they do

· Don’t apologize for your own style/music but be able to express why it’s important to you – i.e. how it draws you closer to God and how it could help them draw closer and have a deeper spiritual experience

· Help kids make a connection between their faith and music

· Discussion and conversation is essential to faith formation

·  Empower youth to rewrite hymns and prayers that are meaningful to them

· Parental influence is the primary factor in determining religious outcome

We need to recognize youth as the future of the church and worship because, well, they are.

This article by David Jordan, media artist and church musician, is reprinted with permission from the May 2014 issue of the Pro-Motion Music e-Newsletter.  David and Jeannine Jordan are the co-creators and performers of the audience-engaging multi-media and organ concert experiences, Bach and Sons and From Sea to Shining Sea.

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