Dr. Jeannine Jordan, Concert Organist

Archive for January, 2020


How will you structure your practice?

Will you explore new repertoire?

Have you explored music of different eras? The Organist’s Manual by Roger E. Davis has short pieces from nearly all eras of organ composition. Take time to play through pieces to get a flavor of the music then ask for guidance finding music of a specific era.

Did you hear music you liked on our past recitals? Go back to the programs and get the name of specific composers then ask your teacher or fellow students for details.

Interested in Renaissance music? There is a wealth of information on this genre online.

What about Bach? Have you played any of the little 8 preludes and fugues? What about the gorgeous chorales from the Orgelbuchlein?

Baroque composers abound. Again, try shorter pieces in the The Organist’s Manual by Roger E. Davis  to get ideas and the names of composers.

The Romantics? Mendelssohn, Franck, Boellman? See above.

Are you ready for new harmonies and rhythms? Maybe music by a contemporary composer would be for you, Again, start with Davis or ask Jeannine questions.

Do you prefer hymn-tune arrangements? Visit Darcey Press.

Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist, has a large organ studio with students of all ages and skill levels.  With her husband, David Jordan, media artist of Pro-Motion Music , they are the creators and presenters of the dramatic story-driven organ and multimedia concert experiences, From Sea to Shining Sea, Bach and Sons, and Around the World in 80 Minutes.  Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter for more intriguing and engaging articles – click here #DrJeannineJordan  #OrganAndMultimediaConcert


How will you structure your practice time?

Will you improve your church playing making excellence in your music a priority?

Do you play hymns correctly, accurately, and at the correct tempo? Mark in fingering and pedaling, use the metronome to keep a steady tempo.

Do you enhance hymns to encourage congregational singing? Resources abound for introductions, harmonizations, and codas. The resource I use weekly is Hal Hopson’s The Creative Use of the Organ in Worship. Every church organist should own this volume.

Are you choosing voluntaries appropriate to the season and/or service topic? Volumes of hymn tune arrangements published by Darcey Press provide organists of all denominations a plethora of superb hymn based music.

Are you communicating well with you music director, pastor, choir director or music partner? Developing this skill is of paramount importance to the success of all church musicians.


Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist, has a large organ studio with students of all ages and skill levels.  With her husband, David Jordan, media artist of Pro-Motion Music , they are the creators and presenters of the dramatic story-driven organ and multimedia concert experiences, From Sea to Shining Sea, Bach and Sons, and Around the World in 80 Minutes.  Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter for more intriguing and engaging articles – click here #DrJeannineJordan  #OrganAndMultimediaConcert


How will you structure your practice time?

Will you build your technical skills?

Could your pedal skills use improvement? The Organist’s Manual by Roger E. Davis has excellent pedal exercises.

Do you need improve your understanding of the way the organ works? Bring the organ manual to your lesson and ask questions.

Could you enhance your organ registration knowledge and creativity? The Organist’s Manual by Roger E. Davis is an excellent resource as is the organ manual. Then listen and try new sounds! Add at least one organ registration question to your list of lesson questions!


Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist, has a large organ studio with students of all ages and skill levels.  With her husband, David Jordan, media artist of Pro-Motion Music , they are the creators and presenters of the dramatic story-driven organ and multimedia concert experiences, From Sea to Shining Sea, Bach and Sons, and Around the World in 80 Minutes.  Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter for more intriguing and engaging articles – click here 


Becoming a Forward-Thinking Musician

Becoming a Forward-Thinking musician is a tall order for the busy and at times, overwhelmed forward-looking musician. Is it possible to integrate the two behaviors? Some thoughts and questions to ponder as we begin anew with fresh eyes, ears, and minds this year of 2020.

As a church musician, am I thinking progressively?

As a teacher, am I looking ahead with an eye to improving my teaching skills?

As a student am I thinking of ways to learn more thoroughly?

As a performer am I looking beyond the strictures of my instrument, the organ, and creating ways to better share this instrument and its great repertoire with my audiences?

Which are you inclined to be?
Forward-Looking person or a Forward-Thinker? Or Both?

The reality is Steve Jobs had “his people,” to do the Forward-Looking and planning and executing. Many of us have the privilege of being in positions where we need to do it all.

Before 2050 gets here as fast as 2020 did, take time to do some Forward-Thinking.

Let’s create a future that uses the tools and formidable resources at our fingertips.

Can we Forward-Think our way into a future that is full of excitement about what our music and instruments can do?

What can our Forward-Thinking do to create stories today that will be sought after for centuries to come?


Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist, and her husband, David Jordan, media artist of Pro-Motion Music , are the creators and presenters of the dramatic story-driven organ and multimedia concert experiences, From Sea to Shining Sea, Bach and Sons, and Around the World in 80 Minutes.  Subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter for more intriguing and engaging articles – click here  #DrJeannineJordan  #OrganAndMultimediaConcert