Dr. Jeannine Jordan, Concert Organist

This even took me by surprise. I asked Jeannine;

If you had it all to do over again would you do the same thing, become an organist?

Within a nanosecond she said “Oh absolutely, I wouldn’t change a thing. My music has taken me to great places where I met incredible people and experienced things I never would have in other occupations. I love my life and work.”

Experiencing dramatic and diverse people, encountering unbelievable obstacles, and getting through those barriers is rather like the stories that we tell in our story-driven dramatic organ and multimedia concert experiences.

Our concerts take a plethora of skills, much time, much practice, much correction, much effort to create, and much work to contact the right people to host a performance. The creations themselves are outside-the-box and even though people love them when they attend one, they have no idea what to expect because they’ve never seen a concert like ours before. Performing, narrating, acting, drawing, video-making, getting corrected and directed. It all adds up to what we are doing, and it is my joy to be a part of the creation and performance of our concerts with my incredible husband, David.

She really did say all those things. I think she must be pretty sure she’s happy with her life as an organist. And I’m glad.

To all of our newsletter readers — thanks for being part of our community and supporting us outside-the-box. 

Thanks, David

PS: The stories of Jeannine’s Hooky Precision Ice Skating Club, her past life with goats, peacocks, and ducks, the weeks spent in primary research in church attics and museums up and down the East coast, and her piloting a 50’ long narrow boat up and down the Oxford canal will have to wait for another time. 

Bad Belzig Organ 2

Alexander Schuke organ of 1906

Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist and David Jordan, media artist of Pro-Motion Music are the creators and presenters of the dramatic story-driven organ and multimedia concert experiences, From Sea to Shining Sea, Bach and Sons, and Around the World in 80 Minutes.  #DrJeannineJordan  #OrganAndMultimediaConcert

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